
简历 2023-07-09 02:21:47 简历




  Name: Ms. L Gender: Female

  Wedlock: Married Nation: Han

  Residence: Guangdong-Jiangmen Age: 28

  Location: Guangdong-Jiangmen Height: 162cm

  Target Locations: Guangdong

  Target Positions:

  Target Jobs:

  Desired Salary: Negotiable

  When Can Start: within 1 month


  2004-09 ~ 2007-06 Hunan institute of Technology Safety Engineering Junior College


  2012-07 ~ 2012-07 Administration of Work Safety of Jiangmen Registered safety officer training Registered safety officer certificate

  2012-06 ~ 2012-06 Administration of Work Safety of GuangdongProvince The standardization of safety production training Self assessment certificate

  2012-06 ~ 2012-06 Administration of Work Safety of GuangdongProvince Management personnel safety training Management of production safety certificate

  2012-03 ~ 2012-03 Department of environment protection ofGD Province Management of hazardous waste regulation Environmental Management Certificate

  2005-05 ~ 2005-05 NECCA ISO9000、ISO14000、ISO18000 Internal auditor certificate

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (2011-07 ~ Present)

  Company Type: Foreign Enterprise Company Category: Petroleum,Chemical,Geological

  Job Title: HSE engineer Positions: Safety/Health/Environmental Engineer

  Job Description: 1. Maintenance and Implement EHS programs and plan to assure operation process compliance with requirement, ISO9001 & ISO14000 requirement and relevant laws, regulations.

  2. Organize annual risk assessment/job safety analysis. Identify and supervise high risk operations.

  3. Carry out weekly and routine EHS inspection, develop and follow up the action plans to help each area to improve in EHS.

  4. Provide the HSE training to employees and commit on HSE awareness and behavior improvement.

  5. Incident investigating, analyzing, handling and reporting (Lose time accident, recordable accident, first aid and near miss) and follow up the corrective and preventive actions.

  6. Manage and supervise contractor safety with project leaders.

  7. Assistance in preparing monthly EHS management reports and participates in the EHS Committee.

  8. Provision of emergency respond procedures, firstaid facilities, safety signs, relevant PPE, emergency response with drill, etc.

  9.Develop and implement environmental programs, practices, and procedures that prevent pollution, minimize waste, assess waste disposal vendors, assist operating organizations in implementing regulatory requirements and internal standards, achieve corporate goals, and drive continuous environmental improvement.

  10.Environment management;especially wastedischarge and treatment management.

  11.The effective management of safety and environment records.

  12.competent government agencies for obtaining related permits and approval for safety, environmental protection matter

  13.Government agency related to HSEQ, such as EPB, fire bureau, Quality &technology supervision bureau, etc.

  14.Other issues assigned by management level.

  【you are not full member,please contact us.】 (2007-03 ~ 2011-07)

  Company Type: Private Enterprise Company Category: Printing,Packaging

  Job Title: Safety Officer Positions: Safety Engineers

  Job Description: 1) establish the rules and regulations of the company safety production management

  2) Carry out weekly and routine safety inspection, develop and follow up the action plans to help each area to improve in safety.

  3)Implement safety trainings in order to raise safety awareness levels of all employees.

  4)Incident investigating, analyzing, handling and reporting and follow up the corrective and preventive actions.

  5)Manage and supervise contractor safety.

  6)Assistance in preparing monthly safety management reports and participates in the safety Committee.

  7)Provision of emergency respond procedures, firstaid facilities, safety signs, relevant PPE, ERT team for emergency response with drill, etc.

  8)Special equipment and special operations personnel management

  9)The effective management of safety records.

  10)competent government agencies for obtaining related permits and approval for safety, environmental protection matter

  11)Other issues assigned by management level.

  Special Skills

  Professional Title: Certified Safety Engineer

  Computer Level: senior non-computer-specialty grade 2

  Computer Skills: Skilled in Windows operating system and Office office software(word、Excel、PowerPoint、Outlook)

  Strengths: Super large Hong Kong companies (25000) safety management experience, has the strong organization ability, also have working experience in Multi-National Corporation, strong ability to adapt to the environment.

  Language Skills

  Chinese: Good Cantonese: General

  English Level: CET-4, Spoken General

  English: General English: General

  Career Objective

  Career Direction: Safety、environmental 、health、system,etc


  Self Info.

  Self Assessment: I am self-confidence, self-discipline, responsibility, pay attention to team spirit, and hard working. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.Be highly organized and efficient. Good presentation skills and and communication skills,I have confidence and ability to do this job.

  Hobbies: Sports, travel, reading


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