
礼仪文书 2020-06-20 18:05:04 礼仪文书
[摘要]【导语】【导语】考试是紧张的,我们要重视考试,又要正确对待考试。考试既是知识的检测,又是意志的磨练。考试时要沉着冷静,要对自己充满信心,同时要科学对待考试,认真分析试题,仔细推敲,先易后难。本站准备了以下内容,希望对你有帮助!篇一 一、 请给下列单词或短语搭配连线。  foot        南to


【导语】【导语】考试是紧张的,我们要重视考试,又要正确对待考试。考试既是知识的检测,又是意志的磨练。考试时要沉着冷静,要对自己充满信心,同时要科学对待考试,认真分析试题,仔细推敲,先易后难。本站准备了以下内容,希望对你有帮助! 篇一

  一、 请给下列单词或短语搭配连线。

  foot        南

  tomrrow     杂志

  south      字典

  magazine     脚

  dicitionary    明天


  be   by   with   for   of

  1. Usually I go to Suizhou _____ bus .

  2. I go to the supermarket ______ my father.

  3. I want to buy a pair _____ shoes.

  4. Then walk straight ____ three mimutes.

  5. I want to _____ a English teacher one day.


  ( )1. I go to school _____ foot.

  A be   B by   C on

  ( ) 2 .It’s in front _____ the hospital.

  A for   B of   C at

  ( )3. The hospital is ______ the right.

  A in   B on   C of

  ( )4. _____ at a red light.

  A Stop   B Wait   C Go

  ( )5. Excuse me, where is the cinema?

  It’s east _____ the post office.

  A for   B of   C in

  ( ) 6. Turn left _____ the cinema.

  A of   B on   C at

  ( ) 7. ______ are you going to do this evenning?

  I’m going to the the library.

  A Where   B What   C When

  ( )8. I’m going to buy a magazine ______ plants.

  A be   B on   C about

  ( )9. _____ are you going?

  I’m going at 4 o’clock.

  A When   B What   C Where

  ( ) 10. Where are you going this afternoon?

  A I’m going to buy a book.

  B I’m going to the bookstore.

  C I’m going at 3 o’clock.


  1. do How Canada go you to ?


  2. go subway school to I by .


  3. the cinema is Where ?


  4. on the park is right the .


  5. you What to evening are do this going ?



  ( )1. Where is the library?     A Thank you.

  ( ) 2. Thank you.         B I’m 12.

  ( ) 3.When are you going?     C It’s near the hospital

  ( ) 4. Happy birthday!      D This moring

  ( ) 5.How old are you?       E You’re welcome.


  Hi, this is Chen Jie. I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I’m going to the bookstore by taxi . I’m going to buy a new CD, a dictionary and some story books. Then, I’m going to go home and read the new books. On Sunday, I’m going to the shoe store with my friend. We’re going after lunch. Then, in the evening, I’m going to the gym with my mom. We’re going to play ping-pong together. I will have a nice weekend!


  ( ) 1. Chen Jie is going to the bookstore by bus

  ( ) 2. ChenJie is going to buy a new CD and some


  ( ) 3. Chen Jie is going to go home and read the new books.

  ( ) 4. On Saturday, Chen Jie is going to the shoe store

  ( ) 5. In the evening, Chen Jie is going to play ping-pong.














  1.you are(缩写形式)________





  6.is not(缩写形式)________




  1.It"s too small_________ me.

  A.to B.for C.on

  2.This is the_________ one.

  A.big B.bigger C.biggest

  3.English is_________ than math.

  A.easiest B.too easy C.easier

  4.Can I _________ this shirt _________ ?

  A.take...down B.put...on C.try...on

  5. _________ go shopping this afternoon.

  A.Let is B.Let C.Let"s

  6. _________ can I get to the airport?

  A.What B.How C.Which

  7. _________ straight two blocks.

  A.Going B.Get C.Go

  8.It"ll be _________ your left.

  A.on B.in C.to

  9.Go down this street _________ turn right.

  A.or B.in C.and

  10.He should be _________ careful.

  A.much B.more C.most


  1.What should I do _________(first)?

  2.I should go _________(shop).

  3.I want to buy some_________ (ticket) there.

  4.We should park _________(we) bikes.

  5.I am_________ (short) than you are.


  1.She should doing the exercise.

  2.The light are green.

  3.You should take some medicines

  4.Peter should see a doctor one.

  5.There"s a bike over at there.


  Xiaoxiao’s dad takes the kids to the amusement park. They ride their bikes together, but they don’t know how to get there. Xiaoxiao’s dad asks a girl for help. So they ride their bikes down the street. The park is acoss the street. Qiaoqiao starts to cross the street, but the light is red. The light turns green. Then everyone crosses the street together. At last, they arrive at the amusement park.

  1. Xiaoxiao’s dad takes the kids to the room.

  2. They go there by car.

  3. They know how to get there.

  4. The park is across the street.

  5. The light is red .Then they cross the street.



  1. is _________ 2. do________ 3. play________ 4.come________ 5.go________ 6.visit ________ 7.have ________   8.take________ 9.see ________ 10.swim________


  ( )1.A.hair B.short C.eye

  ( )2.Acute B.handsome C.month

  ( )3. A.pizza B.uncle C.grandparent

  ( )4. A.cake B.yesterday C.sandwich

  ( )5. A.alunch B.dinner C.countryside


  1.pretty(反义词)_________ 2.cute(近义词)________ 3.catch(三单形式)________   4.healthy(反义词)________ 5.sandwich(复数)________


  1.He _________(visit)the Great Wall last year.

  2. he ________(fly)a kite last Sunday? Yes, he .

  3.In China, people like ________(eat) dumplings.

  4.Did she________ (have)dinner at home.

  5.Kitty ________(not go) to school yesterday.

  6.My little brother is five ________(month)old.

  7.The table has four ________(leg)。

  8.I have big ________(eye) and a small mouth.


  ( )1.Her hair _________short and her eyes ________big.

  A.was ;were B.were;was C. were; were

  ( )2.We________ to the Great Wall yesterday.

  A. go B. went C.goes

  ( )3.What did you________ for breakfast this morning?

  A. have B. has C.had

  ( )4.I had some ________and ________for breakfast.

  A.bread;milk B. breads;milks C. breads;milk

  ( )5.-- ________was your summer holiday?

  --It was wonderful.

  A.What B.where C.How

  ( )6. ________Alice often play the piano. No,she .

  A. are listening B.Does,does C.Does,doesn’t

  ( )7.Danny________ breakfast five times last week.

  A.ate B.eat C.eated

  ( )8.I’m going to________ some chopsticks ________Sunday afternoon.

  A.bought,on B.buy,on C.buy,in

  ( )9.What did you do on your holiday? I________ .

  A.bought a present B.goes skiing C.learning English

  ( )10.Sandy often________ his homework on Sundays.

  A.do B.does C.did

  ( )11.He ________a race with Ming Ming.

  A.to have B.had C.going to have

  ( )12.He doesn’t eat ________bread this morning.

  A. a lot B. some C.much

  ( )13.Little Tom can’t ________his mother.He is crying now.

  A. find B.finds C. look for

  ( )14.Ben________ born in 2011 in Shanghai.

  A. is B.are C.was D. were

  ( )15.Do you play________ after school?

  A. piano B.musics C. basketball


  1.I go to the park.(用yesterday改写)


  2.I went to the Great Wall.(对画线部分提问)


  3.Tom had some eggs for breakfast. (对画线部分提问)


  4.There are some places to visit.(变否定句)


  5.I watched TV last weekend.(变一般疑问句)




  I had a wonderful summer holiday. I visited my uncle in Beijing.I went there with my parents.Beijing is so beautiful. There are a lot of famous parks. I went to the Summer Palace.I took a lot of photos there. I also went to the Great Wall. It was great . I saw many visitors there. I ate Beijing Roast Duck. It was very delicious. I had a good time in Beijing. I hope to visit there once more. I love Beijing.

  ( )1.I visited my sister in Beijing.

  ( )2.The Great Wall is in Shanghai.

  ( )3.My parents and I went to Beijing together.

  ( )4.I ate Beijing Roast Duck.

  ( )5.I enjoyed my summer holiday.


  A French student goes to London for his holiday. He knows a little English, but he can"t speak very well.

  One day he goes to a restaurant. He wants to some eggs,but he can"t remember the English word for "egg" .He looks around and sees a picture of a hen. He shows the picture to the waiter. "What do you call her children?"he asks.


  "And what do you call chicks before they"re born?"

  "eggs, sir."

  "Very good," says the French student, "bring me two eggs and a cup of coffee, please."

  ( )1.A French student goes to London for his holiday.

  ( )2.He can’t speak English at all.

  ( )3.He goes to the restaurant to have some eggs.

  ( )4.He wants to see a picture of hens.

  ( )5.He is a clever boy.


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