
英语演讲稿 2020-06-19 18:04:24 英语演讲稿
[摘要]1 -----Nancy is not coming tonight   ----- But she _____!  A promises B promised C will promise D had promised  2 Weve made some achievements


  1. -----Nancy is not coming tonight.

  ----- But she _____!

  A. promises B. promised C. will promise D. had promised

  2. We"ve made some achievements, but there is still a long way _____.

  A. going B. to go C. gone D. to be gone

  3. Dr. Bethune began to work the _____ he arrived at the front.

  A. moment B. place C. way D. reason

  4. ----- This pen isn"t yours, is it?

  ----- _____.

  A. Yes, it"s not mine B. No, yours is bigger

  C. No, it"s my friend"s D. Yes, mine"s a red one

  5. ----- Thanks for the_____ you did me to move away the stone.

  ----- That"s all right.

  A. favour B. good C. trouble D. kindness

  6. She won"t be afraid as _____ as you are here.

  A. long B. well C. soon D. far

  7. It isn"t quite _____whether she will take the advice.

  A. sure B. right C. certain D. exact

  8. Shirley _____a book about China last year but I don"t know whether she has finished it.

  A. has written B. wrote C. had written D. was writing


  9. You _________in such a hurry just now. Look, there is plenty of time left.

  A. don"t have to do it B. needn"t have done it

  C. wouldn"t do it D. mustn"t have done it

  10. _____________is one of the five working language at U.N. , which _______ are very proud of.

  A. The Chinese, the Chinese B. Chinese language, Chinese

  C. Chinese, the Chinese D. Chinese language, the Chinese

  11. -What"s your problem ?

  - I have lost sight of my mum and dad . I saw them ________ in front of me a moment ago.

  A. were walking B. to have walker C. walk D. walking

  12. Children are tired of learning often because they are __________to do more than they can.

  A. expected B. suggested C. hoped D. wished

  13. _________ concerts will be needed if we wanted to collect enough money to start a school.

  A. Some other ten B. Another ten C. Other ten D. Ten others

  14. The door burst open and ________ , shouting with anger.

  A. in rushed the crowd B. rushed in the crowd

  C. the crowd tin rushed D. in the crowd rushed

  15. We carved their names on the stone so that younger generations could know what their forefathers ____ for the nation.

  A. did B. were doing C. had done D. have been doing



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