
情人节 2019-06-19 21:38:18 情人节
[摘要]telephone equipment例句Bell had just patented his telephone, and was having growing pains because the demand for his new invention was so strong 那时候,


telephone equipment 例句
    "Bell had just patented his telephone, and was having growing pains because the demand for his new invention was so strong. " 那时候,贝尔刚刚为他的电话机申请了专利,但却发愁无法满足市场对于他新发明的强劲需求。 His wife had passed some years ago, now he lived all alone,So now the highlight of this day was waiting by the phone 几年前他的妻子故去,现在他独自一人生活,这一天的重要事情便是在电话机旁等着。 Pinhurst is only five miles from Silbury, but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage 平赫斯特离塞尔珀里办有五英里,但Scott先生新买下的汽车修理工场装不上电话机。 An unserviceable bicycle,telephone,tin-opener,etc 已不能用的自行车、电话机、开罐器等. It became the stuff of everything from cigar holders and rosary beads to radio housings, dis-tributor caps and telephone casings 其用途十分广泛,从雪茄烟烟柄和寺庙中僧人手中的念珠到收音机的外壳、配电盘盖和电话机的机壳。 Is this kind of telephone made in Guangzhou? 这种电话机产于广州吗 The telephone's out of order. 电话机坏了。 A caller could use a rotary telephone or the newest wireless model and receive the same service 呼叫者可以老式的转盘拨号电话机或者最新的无线电话机,获得同样的服务。 The telephone in our room does not still have the installation. 我们家里的电话机还没有安装好。 I"m trying to get the hang of the new telephone system. 我正在练习掌握新型的电话机的用法.


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