
情人节 2017-02-27 00:38:18 情人节
[摘要]for examplefor instancesuch as例句For example, “management shall…” is deprecated whereas “top management (3 2 7) shall …” is acceptable 例如:不赞成使用“managem


for example
for instance
such as 例句
    For example, “management shall…” is deprecated whereas “top management (3.2.7) shall …” is acceptable. 例如:不赞成使用“management shall……,”而应使用“top management shall……。” For example, the American car name “Randan” was interpreted by the Japanese to mean “idiot”. 例如,美国汽车品牌“Randan”被日本人理解成“白痴”。 Pertaining to data in the form of distinct elements such as characters, or to physical quantities having distinctly recognizable values 说明以各不相同元素的形式表示的数据,例如字符,或说明具有明显可辨认数值的物理量。 If it required advisory committees to indicate what issues the committee is to resolve, what are ways in which each issue could be resolved. 例如它可要求咨询委员会表明委员会要解决什么问题,每个问题可用什么方式来解决。 Affinity: Natural attraction for, as salt for moisture. 性向:自然的吸引倾向,例如盐封湿气。 In the Address bar, type the Internet address (URL) for the FTP site you want to connect to. For example 在地址栏中,键入要连接的FTP站点的Internet地址(URL)。例如 If one shuttle box is used on one side of the loom (say 4 ~1 ), then the number of picks used from any color has to be an even number. 如果在织机的一侧有一个梭箱(例如4×1),任何颜色的纬纱的连续引纬数必须为偶数。 Any of various similar reedless woodwind instruments,such as the recorder. 竖笛,横笛一种类似无簧片木管的乐器,例如直笛等 Choose this option if you want to change the settings Communicator uses to connect, for example if you change your ISP. 如果您想要更改通信器在连接时使用的设置,例如更改ISP,则请选择此选项。 Insert and embed an object,such as a chart or an equation in a document. 插入并嵌入一个对象,例如一个文件中的一份图表或一个等式。


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