
情人节 2019-08-28 08:20:54 情人节
[摘要]telegraph pole例句A passerby brushed up against a newly painted pole,and some of the wet paint came off onto her stylish garments一个过路人碰到了新油漆过的电线杆上,未干的油漆


telegraph pole 例句
    A passerby brushed up against a newly painted pole,and some of the wet paint came off onto her stylish garments 一个过路人碰到了新油漆过的电线杆上,未干的油漆沾在她的时髦衣服上。 For a unit of projected area, the loading on a telephone pole or a smokestack will be less than on an I-beam 对一个单位面积来说,电线杆或烟囱上的荷载要比工字架上的荷载小。 The telegraph poles whirled past us as the train gathered speed 火车的速度增加时,电线杆急速地在我们面前驰过。 The motorcycle went into a wire pole 那辆摩托车撞在电线杆上。 He drove(at)full tilt into the lamppost. 他全速开车,撞到电线杆上。 Yesterday I backed my car into a lamppost 昨天我倒车时撞在电线杆上。 Using telephone poles as chopsticks/ having nowhere to Bite 电线杆当筷子,没法下嘴 She banged up against the pole. 她砰地一声撞在电线杆上。 The children were told they could not fly a kite near a telegraph pole. 孩子们被告诫不得在电线杆附近放风筝。 The T-shirt ignited when it caught on a power line atop a pole. T恤衫被电线杆顶上的电力线钩住使灼灼起火。


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