
情人节 2019-08-24 18:10:22 情人节
[摘要]Valentines Day西方的传统节日之一。情侣们在情人节这天会互相馈赠礼物,用以表达爱意或友好。例句Some of her classmates are planning to make Valentines cards for parents, teachers and friends


Valentine"s Day

西方的传统节日之一。情侣们在情人节这天会互相馈赠礼物,用以表达爱意或友好。 例句
    "Some of her classmates are planning to make Valentine"s cards for parents, teachers and friends. " 她的一些同学计划为父母、老师和朋友制作情人节贺卡。 On this Valentine"s Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you. 如同每一个平常的日子,我在这个情人节里所拥有的东西,就是对你的爱。 "Nowadays, Valentine"s Day wins the same popularity among Chinese young people. " 现在,情人节在中国青年人中间也得到了同样程度的普及。 This card isn"t much, but it means a lot. Please stand by me for this and many Valentine"s Days to come! 这张卡片,礼轻情意重。请陪伴我度过这次及以后的每个情人节。 Our love grows stronger with every passing year. Happy Valentine"s Day, Baby. 我俩的爱,一年比一年更坚定。小宝贝,情人节快乐。 "Well, I strike out this valentine "s day, too. " 哎!这个情人节又白白地过去了 There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that says, “To my wonderful wife... I love you.” 我看见,床头桌上放着一张比尔给她的大大的情人节贺卡——就是那种充满柔情蜜意的贺卡,上面写着:“给我出色的妻子……我爱你。” Valentine"s Day, despite its heavy romantic overtones, is not just about love between couples, but also family 情人节虽然有着浓重的浪漫色彩,但不仅仅是相爱的人之间的节日,也是一个家庭的节日。 "This is the scene that greets you on Valentine"s Day, " 映入你眼帘的这幕情景就是情人节。 After a few minutes she said, " I nearly forgot the valentine I bought yesterday!" 几分钟后,她说:“我差点儿忘了昨天买的情人节卡!”


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