
情人节 2019-08-24 12:14:43 情人节
[摘要]level off例句Unsettled weather 尚未稳定下来的天气The weather has settled at last 天气最后总算稳定下来了。But we must rack our brains to find ways to stabilize the world situ


level off 例句
    Unsettled weather. 尚未稳定下来的天气 The weather has settled at last. 天气最后总算稳定下来了。 But we must rack our brains to find ways to stabilize the world situation. 但是要把世界局势稳定下来,总要想些主意。 It took him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife died. 他妻子死后很久他情绪才稳定下来. Gold prices on the London market are expected to flatten out after a period of fluctuation. 一段时间的波动后,预料伦敦市场的黄金价格将稳定下来了。 It took him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife died 他妻子死後很久他情绪才稳定下来 Only when people have felt the tangible benefits that come with stability and with the current systems and policies will there be true stability. 人民看到稳定带来的实在的好处,看到现行制度、政策的好处,这样才能真正稳定下来。 He steadied his nerves before he defended himself. 他在为自己辩护前先使自己的情绪稳定下来。 Education remains in a state of flux which will take some time to settle down. 教育还处于不断变化中,需要一段时间才能稳定下来。 It take him a long time to get back on an even keel after his wife die. 他妻子死后很久他情绪才稳定下来。


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