
情人节 2019-08-23 12:09:17 情人节
[摘要]a mixturean amalgamwelding togetherbe in harmony with assimilate例句It interacted with the local musical forms, until it emerged as a special genre 与当地音


a mixture
an amalgam
welding together
be in harmony with
assimilate 例句
    It interacted with the local musical forms, until it emerged as a special genre. 与当地音乐融合,演化成一个具有地方特色的品种。 In its simplest terms, home theatre is a fusion of television and hi-fi sound 简单说来,家庭影院是电视和高保真音响的融合 After he came back to China, he blended them with traditional Chinese painting. 并使之与中国画有机地融合起来。 Huang learned from his uncle Zhao Mengfu, who was also a well-known painter of the Yuan Dynasty, and other Song Dynasty painters. 黄公望得到舅舅赵孟頫的传授,融合宋代各大家之所长 In order to fuse, intracellular vesicles have to move within the cell 为了融合,细胞内的囊泡必须在细胞内运动。 Blend Curve 融合曲线 Any of various processes of combination,such as hydration,solvation,or complex - ion formation,depending on relatively weak chemical bonding. 缔合靠相对弱的化学束缚而产生的化合过程的一种,如水合、融合或结合 "a confluence of artistry, superb choreography, and stage design." 艺术技巧、优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合. Binocular fusion is the correct blending of the image of both eyes. 双眼视像融合就是把两眼的影像正确地混合到一起。 "Violinist, Vanessa-Mae, best known for her pioneering mix of pop and classical music, has just completed her asian tour." 这就是陈美,一位以融合流行与古典于一体而扬名的小提琴家,她刚刚完成了自己的亚洲之旅。


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