
情人节 2019-08-22 18:40:46 情人节
[摘要]articles for daily use例句Household articles,such as hollowware,covered with a precious metal,such as silver or gold 家庭日用品用贵金属,如银或金覆盖的家用物品,如凹形器皿These pl


articles for daily use 例句
    Household articles,such as hollowware,covered with a precious metal,such as silver or gold. 家庭日用品用贵金属,如银或金覆盖的家用物品,如凹形器皿 These plastic articles for daily use have an attractive appearance. 这些塑料日用品,造型美观。 On the ground floor there has been for twenty-five years a little store where toys and notions and stationery are sold 一层是一家已经开了25年的小商店,商店里卖各种玩具、小件日用品和文具等。 A wide selection of articles for everyday use has made this supermarket prosperous. 各式俱全的日用品使这个超市生意兴隆。 After you decide to buy groceries, the particular check-out aisle you select may not be important. 在你决定购买日用品之后,选择哪个结账口付款不重要。 Stampings in daily necessities industry which mainly contains some arts and crafts and table ware etc. 生活日用品冲压件,包括一些工艺品,餐具等。


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