
情人节 2019-08-20 22:13:02 情人节
[摘要]office block例句Surveying her suite in the Russell Senate office Building, Clinton, 54, declares that she has moved on环视一下她在拉塞尔参议员办公大楼里的家具,54岁的希拉里称自己在走向


office block 例句
    Surveying her suite in the Russell Senate office Building, Clinton, 54, declares that she has moved on 环视一下她在拉塞尔参议员办公大楼里的家具,54岁的希拉里称自己在走向新的生活。 Pull down an old office building. 摧毁一幢旧办公大楼 Sick building syndrome is a disease of our time. 办公大楼病综合征是一种现代病。 New office blocks are rising in our town. 新的办公大楼在我们镇上建造起来了。 A horde of children ran over the office building. 一大群孩子在办公大楼里到处奔跑。 The approximate number of demonstrators in front of the municipal office building was 900 在市政办公大楼前示威的人数约有九百人。 Their office building was a goodish distance from the subway station 他们的办公大楼离地铁车站有相当长一段路。 The office block to the west casts its shadow over our balcony 朝西的那幢办公大楼遮住了我们阳台的光线。 The new office block doesn"t blend in with its surroundings. 新的办公大楼与周围的环境很不协调。 The bank and the building society are in the same office-block. 银行和房屋建筑协会在同一座办公大楼里


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