
情人节 2019-08-19 18:11:11 情人节
[摘要]cow hideox hide例句Calf-leather Band牛皮表带Asphalt-laminated kraft沥青复合牛皮纸One is made of pigskin, and the other made of cowhide 一件是猪皮的,另一件是牛皮的。He himself wa


cow hide
ox hide 例句
    Calf-leather Band 牛皮表带 Asphalt-laminated kraft 沥青复合牛皮纸 One is made of pigskin, and the other made of cowhide. 一件是猪皮的,另一件是牛皮的。 He himself was a bad commander, a boaster and ruffian 他本人是个弊脚的指挥官,会吹牛皮,又粗鲁残暴。 A long, tapering, braided rawhide or leather whip with a snapper on the end. 长皮鞭一种长形、细头编制而成的生牛皮或革制鞭,鞭尾有一摁扣 A light, pliant leather of horsehide or calfskin, tanned and finished to resemble elk hide. 软鞣粗皮是一种鞣制得象麋鹿皮一样的轻盈、柔韧的马皮或小牛皮。 Glazed vellum: Vellum paper with a glazed surface,used for decorative documents. 光面仿牛皮纸:有光泽的仿牛皮纸,是精美文件用纸。 A soft,thick,undyed leather made chiefly from the skins of buffalo,elk,or oxen. 浅黄色皮革一种主要由水牛皮,驼鹿皮或公牛皮制成的柔软的,坚韧的未染色的皮革 belly without blemish, bulging big, a buckler of taut vellum, no, whiteheapd corn, orient and immortal, standing from everlasting to everlasting 鼓得很大、一颗痣也没有的肚皮,恰似紧绷着小牛皮面的圆楯。不像,是一堆白色的小麦,光辉灿烂而不朽,从亘古到永远。 A fine parchment made from calfskin,lambskin,or kidskin and used for the pages and binding of books. 精制犊皮纸;精制羊皮纸用小牛皮、小绵羊皮或小山羊皮制成的精致纸张,用于书页或封皮


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