
教学工作总结 2019-11-09 08:05:44 教学工作总结
[摘要]carrier例句E g , the availability of useful vectors如有用载体的可利用性In this application, the carrier for the gage is removed, and the grid is totally encased


carrier 例句
    E. g., the availability of useful vectors 如有用载体的可利用性 In this application, the carrier for the gage is removed, and the grid is totally encased in ceramic 在这种应用中,要去掉应变片的载体,使格栅完全封在陶瓷内。 Exposure: The process in which light sensitive materials, such as film or plates, are exposed to a light source. 曝光:把感光材料如菲林或印版登载体光源下曝光的处理。 For the illustration,the initial ingredients are vegetables and a carrier fluid containing starch. 为了阐述明白,最初的配料是蔬菜和含有淀粉的流动载体。 In this application, the carrier is used to encapsulate the grid 在这种情况下,要用载体把格栅密封起来。 Any of a class of enzymes,including the carboxylases,that catalyze the linkage of two molecules,generally utilizing ATP as the energy donor. 连接酶一种酶,包括羧基酶,能催化两个分子的结合,一般用腺苷三磷酸酶作能量载体 In computer terms, a blending of media types:text, audio, visual, and computer data in one convenient delivery medium 用计算机的术语来说,多媒体是文本、声音、图象、计算机数据这些信息载体混合成的一种便于传送信息的媒介。 "Well, one method of classifying them is by the number of chromosomes, or carriers of heredity, in their sex cells. " 小麦分类的方法之一是根据它们性细胞内染色体的数目,染色体是遗传的载体。 Is nothing but a noble and expressive language, invaluable as the vehicle of thought, but by itself nothing. 其实也不过是一种高贵而富于表现力的语言,和思想的载体一样,非常宝贵,不过它们自身豪无价值。 A compressed inert gas,such as a fluorocarbon,that acts as a vehicle for discharging the contents of an aerosol container. 压缩气体被压缩的惰性气体,比如碳氟化合物,这种气体充当喷撒器中物质的载体


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