
教学工作总结 2019-11-06 08:11:38 教学工作总结
[摘要]entrancedoorgate例句As an international port, Shanghai is a gateway in East China for developing tourist business 上海作为国际港口,是中国对外开展旅游交往的东大门。When she came


gate 例句
    As an international port, Shanghai is a gateway in East China for developing tourist business. 上海作为国际港口,是中国对外开展旅游交往的东大门。 When she came within a score of feet of the desired goal, she saw through the window a young man in a grey checked suit. 走到离大门口还有近两丈的光景,透过窗子她看见一个穿灰格子西装的年轻人。 "But just as Soapy entered the restaurant, the head waiter"s eye fell on his shabby trousers and boots. " 然而苏比刚踏进餐馆大门,领班待者的目光就落在了他的破裤子烂鞋上。 "on the north a big screen wall painted white, behind which was a small door leading to an apartment." "北边立着一个粉油大影壁,后有一半大门,小小一所房室." jasper has put up "No Parking" signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect 贾斯珀在大门外贴上了“禁止停车”的字样,但全无效果。 "Daiyu realized that this was the main inner suite, for a broad raised avenue led straight to its gate." "黛玉便知这方是正经正内室,一条大甬路,直接出大门的." On the northeast top of the tree grew an arc-shaped branch bending down the ground, looking like a gate. 桃树的东北头有一根拱形枝干,弯弯的树梢垂到地面,像一扇大门。 Home is the place where ,when you have to go there , it has to take you in. (Frost Robert, american poet) 无论何时何地家永远是向游子敞开大门的地方。(美国诗人罗伯特) I had not thought of my leaving the villa, but my steps, out of the entranceway, felt lighter and full of joy. 我没有想过自己要离开这个别墅,但是在我迈步走出大门口时,却觉得脚步轻快,而且也满心欢喜。 Climb up/down a ladder,along a ridge,into a car,out of bed,over a gate,through a hedge,etc 爬上[下]梯子、爬越山岭、爬进汽车、爬下床、爬越大门、爬过篱笆


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