
工作计划表 2019-11-11 12:08:12 工作计划表
[摘要]名词1 不可数名词:黄褐色2 可数名词:黝黑的肤色adj 黄褐色的,鞣皮的v 1 不及物动词:晒黑,制革2 及物动词:鞣,把……晒黑词形变化复数Tanka,Tankas英语解释a light brown the color of topazof a light yellowish-brown col


    复数 Tanka,Tankas 英语解释
      a light brown the color of topaz of a light yellowish-brown color a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun get a tan, from wind or sun treat skins and hides with tannic acid so as to convert them into leather ratio of the opposite to the adjacent side of a right-angled triangle 例句
        And as for you,squire,as sure as you stand there,this young lady is your lawful wedded wife. 至于你,绅士先生,这年轻女子毫无疑问是你的合法妻子。 The Arkansan nodded understandingly and said, "Yep, I had a truck like that once." 那阿肯色人点了点头,满理解的样子,说,“是啊,我有过一辆卡车也是那么大。” The most intrinsic motivation for learning is the child"s spontaneous interests. 学习的最为内在的推动力是儿童自发的兴趣。 Property refers to tangible property, such as real estate, as well as to intangible property, such as stocks, bonds, and other financial securities. 通过产权,公正变得具体化了。财产通常指有形财产,比如房地产,以及无形财产,如股票、债券和其他形式的金融债券。 I write distractedly, but this girl-this Jeanie Deans, is a peevish puritan, superstitious and scrupulous after the manner of her sect 我写得心烦意乱--可是那女郎--那个珍妮?迪恩斯是个倔强的清教徒,迷信而且严格地遵守她那教派的规矩。 However, rather understandably, in smaller towns or farm areas, you will probably find only Christian churches and Jewish synagogues 在小市镇或农村地区,你大概只能见到基督教堂和犹太教堂。 Fix upon it in one of its more exquisite intervals, the moment, for instance, of delicious recoil from the flood of water in summer heat. 举个例子来说,选定在酷暑中猛然浸入滔滔清流的一刹那和感觉极其愉快的这么一个微妙的时刻。 Throughout its lifetime, a tree respites, essentially as animals do, by slow controlled oxidation of organic substances in cells. 一棵树在它一生中都要呼吸,就像动物也要呼吸一样,这种呼吸是细胞中有机物质缓慢控制的氧化作用。 I struggled for an eternity to understand, until Tom finally heaved a sigh, shook his head, and gave me a look that told me he"d given up 我长久地努力去理解,直到汤姆最后叹了口气,摇了摇头,给我一副放弃的神情。 Other feed stocks can include ethane, propane, butane, and light and heavy naphtha but are not commonly used. 其它原材料包括乙烷、丙烷、丁烷以及一般不用的轻、重石脑油。


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