
工作计划表 2019-08-17 18:11:51 工作计划表
[摘要]to congratulateto celebratecongratulations例句We have just learned of your success, sincere congratulations and best wishes for the future刚刚获悉你成功的消息,


to congratulate
to celebrate
congratulations 例句
    "We have just learned of your success, sincere congratulations and best wishes for the future" "刚刚获悉你成功的消息,谨向你表示衷心的祝贺,并祝愿你日后更加飞黄腾达" "Many , many congratulations on your marriage . " 祝贺你们缔结良缘。 After the ceremony there is often a party, called a "reception" which gives the wedding guests an opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds 礼仪过后,通常会有宴会,叫"喜宴",宴会给参加婚礼的人一个向新婚夫妇祝贺的机会。 Send/receive a telegram(of congratulations,condolence,etc) 发[收](祝贺、吊唁等)电报. Break a leg! 祝贺你! I trust, Mr Garland, my dear sir, that we may mutually congratulate each other upon this auspicious occasion 我相信,亲爱的加兰德先生,在这个大好日子,我们应该祝贺才是。 Congratulate sb on his marriage, new job,good exam results,etc 祝贺某人结婚、找到新工作、考试成绩优良等. but in spite of all his efforts, he could not refrain from uttering a deep groan, which,however, was lost amid the noisy felicitations of the company 他虽然努力克制着自己,但仍禁不住发出一声长叹,但是他的叹息声被嘈杂的祝贺声淹没了。 "Compliment:an expression of praise, admiration, or congratulation." 赞美、羡慕或祝贺的表达方式. "My fuehrer," Goebbels said. "I congratulate you! Roosevelt is dead! “我的元首,”戈培尔说,“我向您祝贺,罗斯福死了!


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