
工作计划表 2019-08-16 18:14:51 工作计划表
[摘要]名词1 (=demonstration) 集会示威;游行示威2 (=demonstration) 示范;示范表演;演示3 试样唱片;录音样带英语解释a visual presentation showing how something worksshow or demonstrate some


1. (=demonstration) 集会示威;游行示威
2. (=demonstration) 示范;示范表演;演示
3. 试样唱片;录音样带 英语解释
    a visual presentation showing how something works show or demonstrate something to an interested audience 例句
      House to be demolished 拆房动迁 the housemaid who had been in Mademoiselle Valentine"s room, and the servant who had replaced Barrois, ran in at the same moment 他猛烈地拉铃,在瓦朗蒂娜小姐房间里的女婢和那个代替巴罗斯的男仆同时奔进来。 Lord Henry, you are quite delightful and dreadfully demoralizing 亨利勋爵,你很讨人喜欢,而且把道德讲得一文不值。 We have had some experience with ``great democracy'' in the form of the ``cultural revolution'', which was a calamity. 我们有过“大民主”的经验,就是“文化大革命”,那是一种灾难。 Members of the Assembly and Comrades, this Communist Party principle of democratic co-operation with non-Party people is fixed and unalterable 各位代表先生们,各位同志们,共产党的这个同党外人士实行民主合作的原则,是固定不移的,是永远不变的。 And what have you been reading to your pupils, Mademoiselle? Inspector Hornberg demanded. “那么你刚才给你的学生读了些什么,小姐?”霍恩伯格督学严厉地问道。 The organization shall demonstrate conformity to customer requirements for designation, documentation and control of special characteristics. 组织应在与顾客要求相符的特殊特性的规定文件化和控制方面加以说明. "This" is a demonstrative pronoun. "this"是指示代词。 Possessing or demonstrating profound, often systematic knowledge; erudite. 博学的具有或显示出深奥并通常是系统的知识的;有学问的 " They are the democratic parties of China, retired teachers" associations and some non-government organizations." 它包括中国的民主党派,退休教师协会以及一些民间的组织。


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